Tuesday 28 July 2015

15 Hair Ideas You Need to Try This Summer

15 Hair Ideas You Need to Try This Summer

It’s time to fight back against humidity and let your hair shine! We all know that around this time of the year, you leave your house with smooth hair and the next thing you know, you’re practically a poodle walking down the street. Not to mention hair at the beach, where it does anything but behave. Don’t fret, ladies, we’ve found 15 amazing go to hairstyle ideas for this summer’s intense heat wave.
From braids to buns to ponytails, you’ll have plenty of options for any occasion! Summer’s all about a laid back look that still is put together, and these hairstyles will get the job done. Take a look at some of our favorite options for summer and tell us which hairstyle you’ll be trying in the comments below!



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